Overall data model design
Status: superseded
Date: 2022-07-06
Deciders: led02, poikilotherm, sdruskat, skernchen
Context and Problem Statement
Data from different stages has different requirements towards the consistency and meta-meta data. E.g., during harvesting it is important to keep all different possible values for a certain attribute. It is also curcial to add information about the source of the data. In contrast in the deposit state only curated, well defined, and unambiguous data should be stored. The source for single attributes is not required anymore.
Superseded: we no longer need to serialize additional information like provenance (see ADR 11) at the different stages in separate files.
Considered Options
One common model for all stages
Seperate model for different stages
Common model for all stages
Processing model and curated model
Decision Outcome
Chosen option: “Seperate model for different stages”, because comes out best.
Pros and Cons of the Options
One common model for all stages
A common data model that is capable of storing all information required by HERMES throughout the whole workflow.
Good, because Single, consistent model
Good, because Less classes to cope with
Bad, because Complex model
Bad, because Complex interface
Bad, because Probable case of YAGNI